Sunday, August 31, 2008

Meaghan made the team!

Meaghan made the volleyball team for her high school. There were lots of girls that came to tryouts and 12 of them were cut from the team. She made the team and is in the starting line as a setter. They work hard and very long hours 6 days a week. I take her to school in the morning around 6:45 am and we pick her up around 7:00pm (Game days she will not be home until 9:00pm or later). She is handling everything very well considering how tired she is. They ran as a team in a 5K run for the school (Meg's first 5K) a couple of weeks ago and it was very rainy and cold. One of the girls fell behind and the entire team had to run back to find her and run back in as a team, after that they had to run the track. I suppose the leason was one for all and all for one, most importantly nobody is left behind. The coach layed down the rules and I think that she ROCKS!! She covered everything from school work, boys, drinking/drugs, boys, dress code, boys and everything in between, the coach said that they must follow the rules for the county in regards to sports, but they follow the coachs rules instead because they are much tougher. The coach also said that one of the girls has been let go on the team because she was seen at a drinking party and it was reported back to the school, not only did she loss her spot on the team but she is not allowed to play team sports for the school for 12 months. They were told that they are a playing team until November and a family team until June and they will not disrespect themselves, their teammates or their school. They will represent the volleyball team all year as a team. It is recommended that Freshman take a study hall during the day to stay caught up on all their classroom work, the 9th and 10th grade volleyball players also have a required studyhall afterschool on Monday and Wednesday (heavest homework days) so that they do not fall behind. They found out the hard way last week that when the teachers report to the coach on grades and missing assignments the entire teams pays the price for missing work or low grades. They have a team dinner hosted by the parents every week, they had their first one last week and it looks like they had fun.

Here's to a great season for Megi and know how proud we are of you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl...You go girl...You go girl...You go girl...You go girl!!
Love, hugs, & kisses