Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Head concussions and broken bones

What a week we have had at the Barker's. Meaghan had come with me to pick up Kenzie and Cayla and she hopped out of the car to go and see some of her friends from Excel. This boy decided that he was going to start kicking his foot over the kids head. Well, he came up to Meaghan and tried to kick his foot over her, she moved because she did not want him to kick her and he ended up kicking her right in the side of the head. She started getting a pretty bad headache and called me from school the next day because she did not feel well and her head hurt. I took her to the doctor and she said that Meaghan had a concussion. I think that Meaghan was a little embarrassed because I called the boys family, I was not trying to get him in trouble I just wanted them to explain to him that he cannot kick people because someone can get hurt.

Later during the week Kenzie had a tournament and played the first game and the next day during the game she ended up hurting her knee. She was running with the ball and I am pretty darn sure that she would have ended up with a goal. Anyway, she said that she felt that the ball was going a little to fast for her to control it. Next thing I knew the ball had knocked her right on her back, she immediately grabbed her knee and started crying (very loudly). We drove her to Children's Hospital and they examined her knee and said that she sprained it and sent us home. A couple of hours later a doctor from Children's called us and asked us to bring her back in because she broke her knee. I was a little upset because why did they let us go home (Children's is so far since they moved) and doesn't anyone review the films? We explained that she was finally resting and that we would be very close to them in the morning. The doctor said since she was resting it was fine to bring her in the morning. She had an knee immobilizer put on her knee and needs to see the orthopedic doctor next week.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Excel Academy closes for H1N1 flu!!

Well...we are just finishing Spring Break and received a call from the school stating that they are closing at least for one full week due to a confirmed case of H1N1 Flu. I think that one of the kids that just came back from New York City or California on a field study may have been sick. Well the kids are thrilled and we will see how this works doing school work from the internet. The girls think that it is pretty cool that their school is all over the TV and newspapers. Our school is the first school in Colorado to be shut down. I hope that all the children and families that have been exposed to the flu have a fast recovery.

We have just heard more news on the flu. It was one of the kids that was traveling to New York City and he was sick in New York during his stay. It is a mild case of the flu however all the other children have been exposed so now the Health Department is waiting to see if there are more confirmed cases, if there are then the school will be closed for a longer period of time. We also found out that the boy is one of the cousins of Mackenzie's soccer team mates. We have been doing all of our school work via the internet and it is working out so far. The only thing that I have to say is I would NEVER be able to home school my kids. I am not that structured. I have spoke to another parent who also has a middle school child and she said that their teachers have sent so much work that her other kids have not been able to do their work.