Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had a really nice Christmas with our family and the kids. Everyone had gone to Frank and Donna's for Christmas Eve except for Cayla, Miyah and I, the girls were sick so I stayed home and made cookies for Santa and we watched a movie. It was actually very relaxing just spending time with the girls (when they weren't sleeping or crying because their mouths hurt!!!). The kids opening their pj's, changed clothes and got comfy on the couch to listen to "The Night Before Christmas", this year Cayla read it and she had been practicing for 2 weeks. She did a beautiful job and her sister were right there in case she needed help. Miyah was sleeping and we just could not get her up to open her jammies, once she did wake up she REFUSED to put them on and stayed in her pants. LOVELY...that is good parenting skills. Ryan also refused to sit with the girls and listen to the story.

Christmas day was so nice and as usual we stayed home, played games, read books, watched movies, napped and ate. I hope that everyone had a blessed day and enjoyed being with family and friends.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas
Love that you continue your tradition, even if some of the players balk...The two little ones will come around as the see it replayed year after year. Love that you give them new jammies for Christmas Eve...Hope everyone gets to feeling better. LOVE you
Aunt Deb

DeAnne said...

Thanks Aunt Debbie, I would have to say that the jammies and reading the book are talked about more than Santa coming. I love that they enjoy it so much!
