Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Happy Sweet 16th Birthday Devian!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
A little bit of our week....
Well, I decided that we needed to start somewhere in recycling. We bought reusable bags a few months ago ~ this was after that terrible email about how the plasitic bags are causing so much damage to our plant and animals. Corey purchased the bags a few days later. Now if I can always remember to take them into the store, they are in my van but sometimes I forget. When I do forgot I just request paper bags. I just cringe everytime I throw something away that can be recycled. My excuse would be that we are not prepared to recycle (the plastic tubs), well why not start by using the paper bags that I get from the store? The white trash can already holds our pop cans, I have been doing this for a while since I have an addiction to Diet Coke. At Ryan's school that even have the big dumpsters for recycling...no excuse that the items will just clutter up the house.
Funny thing...when Ryan came into the kitchen and was looking at the bags on the floor he asked where his lunch bag was?!?!?! It was very funny
Lesson learned...Never ask your older children to put the baby in the car!!! Hello...we have a car seat!!!!! Too cute not to share Marcel's picture.
I hope that everyone is doing well!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy 86th Birthday Grandpa Don
Brookie's Homecoming
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Homecoming 2008
Tonight was Meaghan's first homecoming dance as a freshman. She went to the dance with several girls from her volleyball team. They went to the most popular McDonald's for dinner...hopefully they were able to get in because they did not make reservation...hahahaha!!! The girls had a very busy day with an all day volleyball tournament that had us out the door before the sun was actually in the sky, Meaghan and I were able to watch it rise this morning. The tournament did not turn out so well, no hard feelings because this only meant that the girls could get home and ready for the dance. I wonder, how hard they really tried. Megi, than come home and took a much needed shower and we headed over to Tiffany's with her makeup and dress. Tiffany made my beautiful princess into a beautiful lady...thank you for taking such good care of her. She was very excited to know that she was wearing her great grandma's bracelet. One of my highlights was that I was able to see Trevor, Saige (all their friends...what a group of kids), Breanna and Alicia. I just wish that I could have seen Ali's dress. I hope that everyone had a great time and lots of good memories were made.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Meg's team dinner
Monday, September 15, 2008
Running on empty both in the emotional and gas tank
My emotional tank is also running empty and I am just about ready to run dry. Some days I get so tired of running around from 3 different schools to drop off my kids, pick up them up, go for therapy seasons for Ryan, that I think are a major waste of time (a whole different topic)and anything else that may need to be done. I set the trip odometer on Friday and I put over 100 miles just going to schools and practices. I TRY to be there for everyone but it is hard and then not to be appreciated really sucks. I am a good mother regardless of what some might think, I try to make the right decisions for my children...a reasonable person would know that parenting is hard. I most certainly do not allow my children to run wild and do not even think that I do because you are wrong. The rope that I have around my family is tight and I am trying to allow them to grow up and still be involved...I do not want them to have freedom one day and not know how to handle themselves. I do expect them to make mistakes because that is how they are going to learn. I am tired of having a child who has such fits that it is tiring for me just to watch and listen. Some days I just think that I am going to walk out that front door and never come back. He may only be 4 years old but he is abusive, why would I want to be hit, kicked or screamed at all day long. Do not think for one minute that it does not hurt because it hurts both physically and emotionally...yes, he is only 4 years old but he has one hell of a punch...what happens when he is a teenager or adult. NO...you can raise a child with love and acceptance and YES they do have problems. There is only so much that a person can take. Please remember that this is my blog and if I want to bitch and complain I will. If you do not like what I write about then do not read it. This is my blog and I will use it as I please. I am tired of everything being so expensive that we need to watch EVERYTHING that we spend and just cannot let down our guard. We have such a large family that going out to dinner just does not happen anymore, not that it is bad to eat at home, but sometimes it would be nice to have someone wait on me for a while and then clean up without complaining that they do not want to help. I know that it is not as simple as "just love me or leave me" but please try. I am tired of how expensive it is for my children to play sports. Yes, I know that Kenzie needs to try turf shoes because she is having problems however I need to wait until next week to have the extra money. Yes, maybe that one DOES make me a bad parent...who the hell knows. I am tired of having an extended family that is so disfunctional that we cannot even talk anymore because you NEVER know how the conversation will end. I know that having siblings does not always mean that they will be a part of your life and that is fine but keep your distance. I know that you can drive down the street and not stare at my house, respect our privacy. I know that people are racist but come on our children are 4 years old...teach your children that skin color does not matter. We have taught our children. That said, I would not change the things that I do for my family. I would just wish that things were not so tough. I know that I am not perfect but I try to respect people and I am learning not to pass judgement on others. I know that raising a special needs child takes everything out of me on some days and other days are very rewarding. I know that my children can be kidnapped, abused physically and sexually, I know that in one second our entire life can change for the worst. I know that I have a wonderful husband, awesome children, parents, a sister, aunts, uncles, sister and brother-in-laws, nieces, nephews, grandparents, and longtime friends that love me and would always be there if needed. I know that life is what I make of it and I can continue to complain or just go lift up my mood and go forward. I know that I am a lucky mom who gets to stay home with her children and there are many moms that would love to be in my position. I know that there are many people financially struggling and it is not just us. I know that life hands you a bowlful of cherries and what we decide to do with them is up to you...I would like to make a cherry pie with mine. Now that I have that off my chest I feel much better. To the people that really matter...thank you for listening and not passing judgement on my bitch fit!!!!!