Sunday, May 25, 2008

Soccer Tournaments!

We had fun at the Stenger Invitational Tournament this weekend. For the Barker family our games ended today since we only won one game. Secretly, I am a little happy because we can relax tomorrow before Corey and the girls go back to work and school on Tuesday. Kenzie's team just had a hard time from the beginning, they were teamed up with one team from a Option 1 team in the Springs. Very different level from us and you can see from the size of the girls in the picture above. They were running all over us, our kids were getting hurt and I was getting MAD. These girls from the Springs had TERRIBLE sportsmanship...they would knock our girls over (to be expected...Kenzie was told to get more physical and TAKE that ball) and then sit there and laugh because someone was hurt. I finally had enough and started lecturing (very loudly) at them like a "normal" mom would do to stop laughing. I even started yelling at the Ref that they did not have good sportsmanship, he even acknowledged that it was true but did nothing! I am not sure if I will be OK if Kenzie makes a competitive team next season. CRAZY!!!! Look at the picture above and you can see how big some of the girls were. Kenzie had to guard this tall girl just to the left of the picture (number 6). It sucks when you hear your daughter hit the ground because this girl just knocked her down, Kenzie is tough and would get right back up.
Kelly and Tracy came out for the day and watched the games and then we came back here and had dinner last night. Today we had more games which ended with Cayla getting a medal and Kenzie's team going home not very happy. Last year was much better for their team because they took 1st place. We were able to experience what it felt like for the other teams over the last two seasons when our girls would just go in there and take over the game...not fun!
Kenzie did have a special visitor to help her in between games and watched her play. The young lady in the second picture from the top is Corey's boss's daughter who plays on the Select team for The Edge and also plays on the ODP team (Olympic Developmental Program). Kenzie asked her if she could help get her ready for tryouts next week. Kenzie was the one that sought out the help and Corey agreed to ask his boss. Ali has been very helpful and has taken time out of her schedule to play with Kenzie. One night last week Kenzie went to the end of her practice and Ali had a set up a scrimmage of 2 v 2, so she could see how she did. Kenzie had fun but said that she was unable to keep up with them running. We are going to try to watch one of the four games that she is playing in tomorrow. I am excited to watch her because watching the way she handled that ball I am sure that it will be an exciting game. THANKS Ali for ALL your help!!!
I hope that everyone has a GREAT safe!!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ryan Graduated!!!

Yesterday, Ryan graduated from his 1st year of Preschool. I did not realize that they would have a cermony for the kids that still had another year but they did and it was very nice. Ryan is in the afternoon class and he needed to be at school for the morning class. They feed him breakfast (notice the milk mustache) and then started the graduation. They walked out of the school in pairs and then did a dance for the parents which of course was so cute. I was so surprised because Ryan took the lead in the dance and I thought that the way Ryan was swinging his partner they were going to end up in the parking lot. I have included the video but I had the wrong camera so there is no noise and I turned the camera sideways, not thinking that the picture would be that way also. Sorry if you neck hurts but it was to cute not to include.

They had assigned seats and then handed out certificates. After the cermony we went to a park for a BBQ, it was very nice and the kids had a great time. There was lots of food, three pinates and the kids could make t-shirts. Peanut and her babies came so we had a nice time spending some sister time together.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Micheala

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Cayla
Happy Birthday to You!!!

I have enjoyed sharing the details of your birth with you and just love how the first thing you said this morning was...what were you doing now? I hope that you enjoyed your scrapping tools and bag. I really enjoy watching you create your pages. Have a great day and enjoy being 8!!

I love you!

Monday, May 19, 2008


This is Cayla's team picture and I just love how sassy they look. Cayla has really improved in her soccer skills and enjoys playing soccer. The first season she played she took a season off because she did not have a good coach and it turned her off to playing soccer. She then decided to try again and was placed on this team. Her coach is great with the girls and she is truly becoming a sassy soccer player!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mama scored!!!!

Today I hit the jackpot at a garage sale...boy clothes...NICE boy clothes!!! I spent a total of $20.40 and this was what I got:

3 pairs of pjs
1 pair of swimming trunks
6 pairs of shorts
1 short outfit
8 shirts
1 baby t-shirt
1 baby outfit
3 bassinet sheets
2 plates
1 insulated bottle carrier
1 set of stacking cups
1 play phone
This Mama scored and she is feeling happy!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Way to sacrifice your body Kenzie!!!

Kenzie has always been a player that will sacrifice her body if it means that she can win a game. A couple of weekends ago Kenzie was blocking a ball that went right into her stomach, she lifted up her leg and the ball bounced off of her leg. The amazing thing was that the ball went into the goal...I know hard to believe but it happened! This mother went crazy and was yelling and jumping around. Then I saw Kenzie go to the ground because it took her breathe away, her coach was on the field helping her and Kenz said that he kept asking her if she realized that she just scored. After the game she showed me her leg and the coach came over and laughed because it was the imprint of the ball. He told me to take a picture of it and post it to our team page. I had to share it because that imprint stayed on her leg for 3 days. I just cannot image how hard it must of hit her stomach.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What a difference a few months makes...

What a difference five months makes in Ryan's development. This is Ry's second soccer season and it is truly like watching a different child. He is taller ( 2 inches in 5 months also), has more patience, likes to keep his clothes on, wears underwear to the games and he does not cry during the games anymore. The other parents have also mentioned what a different little boy he has become. There were a few times last season that we were not sure if he would be playing again. Isn't it just wonderful how a little time and patience always helps!! I am so proud of you Ryan and I really enjoy watching you play.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Family!

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You will need to pause my music to watch this.