Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Donna!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Christmas day was so nice and as usual we stayed home, played games, read books, watched movies, napped and ate. I hope that everyone had a blessed day and enjoyed being with family and friends.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
6 weeks already?????
Of course I had to take my camera to end this series of photos and wouldn't you know that my batteries died!!! I still was able to take some great pictures.
I love you Kenzie Annie Anne!!!!!!!
Family Fun!
On Saturday the 20th we celebrated Christmas early with Corey's family since Hiedi, Matt and Carter were in town. I think that this is our fourth White Elephant exchange and just as usual everyone had a very fun time. This year it really shows a passage of time for us because Meaghan left early to go to a play that her friend was performing in. She stayed long enough for pictures and then Corey took her to watch her friend Olga, so strange it has always been the other kids that have plans. All the kids are getting so big and we are getting older. HEHEHEHEHE!!!! This year it seemed really strange not to have Helen there in the physical sense, but I know that she was there laughing with us. Well family I had a great time and we are looking forward to next year.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Happy Birthday to George and Tiffany!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Things that happen when we are sleeping....
Corey was woken up by Cayla that he needed to come downstairs because Ryan and Miyah were outside. Corey went downstairs and both kids were sleeping on the back porch with their pillows, blankets and lots of opened pop cans. When could they have done this? Was it still dark outside because it was early when Corey was woken up. Whose idea was it in the beginning...maybe Ryan and I can just see how Miyah would jump right on broad. I am sure that it would be Miyah's idea about the pop...come on Miyah did we need several can and did you need to open them all?
I thought it was very funny and it was simply because I was not in the middle of it. Once I came downstairs and Corey told what happened I had to laugh. Then I saw the kids and I told them that the next time they were sleeping outside they had better hope that we are on a camping trip...turn the head so they cannot see that I am ready to burst out laughing!!!!
Corey thanks for taking this one so that I could enjoy the story instead!!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
It was suppose to be a goal.....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Obama wins by a landslide!!! amazing to be a witness to our first black President winning by a landslide. This just shows that the majority of the Americans are in need a change. We all know that change does not happen over night and hopefully he will stay true to some of the things he spoke about. Even though my son is too young to realize the impact on our young children, it is now even further proof that Ryan can grow up to be anything that he would like to be. The Barker family is happy today and we are glad that the democrats won!!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Night
We are watching the numbers tonight to find out who our next president will be. This election has caused lots of different emotions between all of us. My family has an opinion on who we want for president just like everyone else. We had a super long ballot in Colorado this time and it was very time consuming. Corey and both choose to have mail in ballots to get our votes in early...well if you know Corey or I very well than it will be no surprise to know that we waiting until the very last minute to turn it in. We have been listening to the kids talk about the election and they all have their own views and they seem to be making their own decisions on who should be president. I have found it very interesting to listen to Cayla because she has really been paying attention to details of the two parties. The schools have their own elections and the kids even had to register to vote. Such an educational tool and creates a great source of conversation even amoung the little people. Well I hope that the best man wins and the God is looking over our nation as a whole tonight.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!!!
Mackenzie was a fairy.
Miyah was Dora the Explorer (with glow in the dark fangs).
Marcel was a pumpkin.
Cisco and Paula ready to scare the kids.